Further reading…
Dictionaries and general publications
Donna BACHMAN & Sherry PILAND, Women Artists: A Historical, Contemporary and Feminist Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 1978
Temma BALDUCCI and Heather JENSEN, Women, Femininity and Public Space in European Culture, 1789 – 1914, Ashgate, 2014
Norma BROUDE & Mary GARRARD, Feminism and Art History. Questioning the Litany, Harper and Row, 1982
—, Expanding the Discourse: Feminism and Art History, Routledge, 1992
—, Reclaiming Female Agency. Feminist Art History after Postmodernism, University of California Press, 2003
Whitney CHADWICK, Women, Art and Society, Thames and Hudson, 2002
Clara CLEMENT ERSKINE, Women in the Fine Arts from the 7th century BC to the 20th Century AD, Hacker Art Books, 1974 (1904)
Penny DUNFORD, A Bibliographical Dictionary of Women Artists in Europe and America since 1850, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990
Elizabeth ELLET, Women in All Ages and All Countries, 1859
Kirsten FREDERICKSON, Singular Women: Writing the Artist, University of California Press, 2003
Tamar GARB, Sisters of the Brush: Women’s Artistic Culture in Late 19th Century Paris, Yale University Press, 1994
Delia GAZE, Dictionary of Women Artists, Routledge, 1997
Alexandra KOKOLI, Feminism Reframed: Reflections on Art and Difference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008
Penny MCCRAKEN, Women Artists and Designers in Europe since 1800. An Annotated Bibliography, Prentice Hall International, 1998
Rebecca MORRILL, Great Women Artists, Phaidon, 2019
Linda NOCHLIN, Women, Art and Power and Other Essays, Harper and Row, 1988
Rozsika PARKER & Griselda POLLOCK, Old Mistresses: Women, Art and
Ideology, Pandora Press, Routledge, 1995
Griselda POLLOCK, Differencing the Canon: Feminist Desire and the
Writing of Art’s Histories, Routledge, 1999
—, Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and Histories of Art, Routledge, 1988
Walter Shaw SPARROW, Women Painters of the World from the Time of Caterina Vigri to Rosa Bonheur and the Present Day, Hacker Art Books, 1976 (1905)

Monographs and exhibition catalogues
Susan P. CASTERAS, A Struggle for Fame: Victorian Women Artists and Authors, Yale Center for British Art, 1994
Jennifer FLETCHER, The Women’s Art Show 1550 – 1970, Nottingham Castle Museum, 1982
Alicia FOSTER, Tate Women Artists, Tate Publishing, 2004
Mary D. GARRAD, Artemisia Gentileschi: The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art, Princeton University Press, 1989
Pamela GERRISH NUNN et Jan MARSH, Pre-Raphaelite Women Artists, Thames and Hudson, 1999
Madeline LAURENCE, Bridget ALDSDORF et Richard KENDALL, Women Artists in Paris, 1850 – 1900, Yale University Press, 2017
Nancy MOWL MATTHEWS, Mary Cassatt, an American Impressionist in Paris, Fonds Mercator, 2018
Linda NOCHLIN & Ann SUTHERLAND HARRIS, Women Artists 1550 – 1850, Penguin, 1976
Sylvie PATRY, Berthe Morisot, Woman Impressionist, Rizzoli Electa, 2018
Joanna POMEROY, Royalists to Romantics: Women Artists from the Louvre, Versailles and Other French National Collections, Scala Publishers, 2012
Maud SULTER, Echo: Works by Women Artists 1850 – 1940, Tate Publishing, 1991
Claire WILCOX, Frida Kahlo: Making Herself up, V&A Publications, 2018
Memoirs, chronicles and correspondence
Abigail May ALCOTT, Studying Art Abroad, and How to Do it Cheaply, Roberts Brothers, 1876
Anna Mary HOWITT, An Art Student in Munich, Longmans, 1853
Frida KAHLO, Diary, Harry Abrams, 2006
Anna KLUMKE, Rosa Bonheur: Her Life and Work, Art Journal, 1889